Posts tagged Ibex
When the light shines through.

"I often talk about the need for today’s executives to understand the relationships that govern the differences among their marketing department, their sales group, their engineers, and their designer(s). Too often they pair up Sales & Marketing with one another, and Design & Engineering. Big mistake. Though it's a common practice, it makes little sense to anyone who thinks it though."

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The Simple Cost.

"Before Steve Jobs came back to Apple the company had grown its model line to an almost unbelievable selection of computers. Steve realized that the only way out of the losses was to reinvent the product line and eliminate the slow selling models. Before his death, Apple had made things simple again with a product line that was manageable and completely understandable by the general public. Gone were the multiple configurations that bewildered the first time buyer. iMac was the “hit” that started Apple on the road to consumer understanding and reinforced the brand as the simple, and highly profitable, computer company."

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