Intro to design
As your company’s leader, it is extremely important to think about the design message you’re transmitting when you introduce that new product. The message carries a weight that goes far beyond the apparent success or failure of one new product introduction. The message carries your reputation, and THAT is something that everybody notices.
Design well, my friends.
Everybody Notices.
Talking about Design
“Every time your company introduces a new model, it gets the chance to make a first impression on an audience that hasn’t noticed you before.”
Your product design tells a lot about of your way of thinking.
It’s a visual posting of your corporate beliefs, market values, and product direction. Does that thinking match your customer’s about who you are?
What are you saying?
What are you are saying with your new product introduction? Are you confirming your position to new customers with a new product that visually reinforces the values you’ve already set forth to your customer base? Or, maybe you’re making a statement regarding the depth of your product offerings. Or maybe you’re just trying something new.
In other words, are you confirming who you are, expanding what you do... or are you confusing your customer?
These questions are important, however, the bigger question is: Does any of this have an impact on your business other than the immediate success or failure of a new product introduction?
You bet it does!
Design is what gets you noticed.
We all understand that if the product is designed in a way that it emotionally “connects” with the customer you have an excellent chance of making a favorable impression. We know that a favorable impression can lead to a successful product introduction. But do we realize that a successful product is energizing far beyond an immediate sale?
Yes, because...Good Design Rolls Up Hill.
A successful product gets noticed by every dealer. Introduce enough successful product and new dealers will begin to pursue your product line, which generates more sales. We all know that.
Better design
Better employees
Good Design Builds pride.
But, are we aware that successful product gets everyone working inside of your organization energized, and that emotional excitement carries a message to everyone your company personnel come in contact with? Exciting product is infectious. Customer service representatives work harder to satisfy the customer, which makes for customers that “talk up” your company. Factory workers take more pride in what they build, which cuts warranty expense and gets dealers to harbor a deep respect for your business practices.
When you're on a roll with exciting product, you'll notice that better quality people actively pursue the opportunity to be part of your organization, because they want to be a part of something successful. And suddenly, people in your organization who have never voiced an opinion before now have a lot to say, which ultimately means a deeper involvement in satisfying your customer.